I reached a New Personal Record Cycling my daily route of ~11.69 km faster than ever.
The Average Speed reached is 23.1 km/h making better than in the last summer, going over the last record of 22.68 km/h.
Cycling is my favorite sport at the moment. I practice it with determination reaching every target that I set, since the spring of 2012.
Sport is crucial for my health, my discipline, my way to work based on goals and for my trading activity.
Average Speed – My Cycling Personal Records

This Average Speed is a great results and it required a hard work, started years ago. I remember when my cycling was for me really difficult, because I was fat and not trained. I remember when I cycled with an Average Speed of 16 km/h and when climb mountains was so difficult for me that my heart beatings were not enough strong to support my climbing.
Everything has changed just because the discipline and the determination that I have put in this practice. The dedication and the constancy since the summer of 2012 made me become a successful man in the practice of sport, reaching many targets, one by one, before of this Average Speed in plan route. The 2014 was the year of Sporting Successes for me.

It was not so easy as it seems. I am not an Athlete. It required a lot of sacrifices and sufferance. Many times when the workout was very difficult I have thought to come back to home and some times I did it. But the most important moments are those where I gritted my teeth and continued. In this way I have understood that what seemed difficult in reality was not so unattainable.
And also, I have lost 20 kg from Jan 2014 to Jan 2015. It is a Great Success for me. My body has changed. This morning my weight was 63.7 kg.
Definitely I suggest to all of you to practice sport to train your mind to the discipline and to help your body. Sport and Goals walk together, then your workouts will help you in any project that you have in live: business, adventure, career, trading.
This is not the end. I have still many targets to reach and some of them are really ambitious.
I am a trader and I can say that nothing is easy.
Every achievement requires a hard struggle.
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